Earthquake : a refugee camp open in Westbrook
The series of earthquakes and the recent attacks of raging elementals have destroyed many houses and farms, ruining fields and harvests, breaking families, making children orphans. Some people have lost everything including the smallest hope of better days. No wonder so many of them join the ranks of the Cultists swarming in the woods surrounding the main town !
A man decided to give back hope to Elwynn, to warm the heart of homeless farmers and lumberjacks families by opening a camp of refugees in Westbrook !
This kind soul is the heir of House Mismantle. The Mismantle family had arrived in the country some time ago from the mysterious kingdom of Gilneas and had settled themselves in a manor north of Darkshire, before a drama occured. His father had at this time been a refugee himself, which might explain why Baron Braiden Mismantle himself is so concerned with the well being of those who have lost everything.
- « I’m only doing my duty », he says modestly.
With dynamic energy Sir Mismantle have managed to convince the King to let him use the Westbrook Garnison as shelter, and to send a spare of guards from the Blazing Shields regiment. With the help of Stormwinder merchants he has gathered enough food and medicine to offer proper help to every person in need in the area. Many volunteers came to bring their help: medics, cooks, guards… The Shining Strand offered a hand too and were present to chase and capture the cultists trying to corrupt the poor Elwynn inhabitants. During the only night of the opening of the camp, two cultists had been captured. One managed to escape, while the other had been questioned in the prison of the Garnison.
"After a while of questioning it turned out the man had planted some kind of explosive device in the keep, even though time was too short to dispose of it none was harmed. The small explosion caused minor damage to the dining hall in form of a few destroyed tables and a little damage to the wooden stairs leading up to the second floor. After this the cultist was rendered unconscious by magical means and taken to Stormwind for imprisonment in wait for further interrogation." - Quoted from Westbrook report.
Despite this incident, several refugees have already found a temporary home because of the generous initiative of Sir Mismantle.
- « He really saved us from despair. I was about to join the Cult when I heard this camp was open » says Mrs Elizsa Brown whose husband had been saved from a heartattack in the keep « If there was more men like him, the world would certainly be better. »
We can only agree with Mrs Brown. May this article inspire other persons to follow the example of Baron Mismantle.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Elloa
A man decided to give back hope to Elwynn, to warm the heart of homeless farmers and lumberjacks families by opening a camp of refugees in Westbrook !
This kind soul is the heir of House Mismantle. The Mismantle family had arrived in the country some time ago from the mysterious kingdom of Gilneas and had settled themselves in a manor north of Darkshire, before a drama occured. His father had at this time been a refugee himself, which might explain why Baron Braiden Mismantle himself is so concerned with the well being of those who have lost everything.
- « I’m only doing my duty », he says modestly.
With dynamic energy Sir Mismantle have managed to convince the King to let him use the Westbrook Garnison as shelter, and to send a spare of guards from the Blazing Shields regiment. With the help of Stormwinder merchants he has gathered enough food and medicine to offer proper help to every person in need in the area. Many volunteers came to bring their help: medics, cooks, guards… The Shining Strand offered a hand too and were present to chase and capture the cultists trying to corrupt the poor Elwynn inhabitants. During the only night of the opening of the camp, two cultists had been captured. One managed to escape, while the other had been questioned in the prison of the Garnison.
"After a while of questioning it turned out the man had planted some kind of explosive device in the keep, even though time was too short to dispose of it none was harmed. The small explosion caused minor damage to the dining hall in form of a few destroyed tables and a little damage to the wooden stairs leading up to the second floor. After this the cultist was rendered unconscious by magical means and taken to Stormwind for imprisonment in wait for further interrogation." - Quoted from Westbrook report.
Despite this incident, several refugees have already found a temporary home because of the generous initiative of Sir Mismantle.
- « He really saved us from despair. I was about to join the Cult when I heard this camp was open » says Mrs Elizsa Brown whose husband had been saved from a heartattack in the keep « If there was more men like him, the world would certainly be better. »
We can only agree with Mrs Brown. May this article inspire other persons to follow the example of Baron Mismantle.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Elloa
Earthquake : Investigations in Darkshore
Everywhere in the world, investigations concerning the earthquakes and the sudden rage of the elementals are hold. The Academy of Magic, lead by the minister of Magic of Stormwind, Proffessor Vezullia Astroloxia have secretly gathered to discuss about different theories and build hypothesis. The GAIRDAS institute organise regular expeditions in different parts of the world (cf article « Short News : Naga War »).
The Kaldorei are not an exception, and under the lead of the new Elder of Diplomacy, the priestess Neferi Nightheir, a large team had been sendt in Darkshore to investigate in different suspicious points. The team gathered many druids, and at the demand of the Circle of Darnassus, the presence of several shamans of the Exodar had been requested. Two mages, one human and the arcanist Drustai were also present.
After a meeting in Auberdine and some explanations concerning what could be found, two teams sharing an equal amount of druids, shamans and mages were sendt in two different locations where a suspicious activity of cultists had been discovered. The cultists belong to the Twillight Hammer lead by the Ogre Cho’Gall and are apparently the same group sending doomsayers in Stormwind. What are they dooing in Darkshore is still for now a mystery. Several devices, similair to those placed by the Cult in Stormwind and releasing Storm Elementals had been found in the wood. In addition, three books of dark magy had been discovered.
One of those book had been discovered at the Master’s Glaive. The Place had been named after a Titan's sword still standing in the giant crushed skull of an old god, as said the legend. The area had been infested by the Cultists some times ago already, but their activity had drasticly increased recently.
The priestess Neferi had been severly harmed during the investigations. Surrounded by dark power, the graceful Kaldorei had been stuck on an Altar, her companionships beeing totaly powerless to rescue her. It’s only after have find one of the books, and beeing able to understand the textes, that the Arcanist Drustai managed to save Neferi by using frost spells.
On the way for Auberdine, a fight happened between several Kaldorei and the Farseer Sanara. The night elves surprinsingly wanted to preserve the dark books and study them, while the draenei matriarch insisted strongly to see them destroyed immediatly. The fight hopefully ended before to create a diplomatic issue.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Elloa
The Kaldorei are not an exception, and under the lead of the new Elder of Diplomacy, the priestess Neferi Nightheir, a large team had been sendt in Darkshore to investigate in different suspicious points. The team gathered many druids, and at the demand of the Circle of Darnassus, the presence of several shamans of the Exodar had been requested. Two mages, one human and the arcanist Drustai were also present.
After a meeting in Auberdine and some explanations concerning what could be found, two teams sharing an equal amount of druids, shamans and mages were sendt in two different locations where a suspicious activity of cultists had been discovered. The cultists belong to the Twillight Hammer lead by the Ogre Cho’Gall and are apparently the same group sending doomsayers in Stormwind. What are they dooing in Darkshore is still for now a mystery. Several devices, similair to those placed by the Cult in Stormwind and releasing Storm Elementals had been found in the wood. In addition, three books of dark magy had been discovered.
One of those book had been discovered at the Master’s Glaive. The Place had been named after a Titan's sword still standing in the giant crushed skull of an old god, as said the legend. The area had been infested by the Cultists some times ago already, but their activity had drasticly increased recently.
The priestess Neferi had been severly harmed during the investigations. Surrounded by dark power, the graceful Kaldorei had been stuck on an Altar, her companionships beeing totaly powerless to rescue her. It’s only after have find one of the books, and beeing able to understand the textes, that the Arcanist Drustai managed to save Neferi by using frost spells.
On the way for Auberdine, a fight happened between several Kaldorei and the Farseer Sanara. The night elves surprinsingly wanted to preserve the dark books and study them, while the draenei matriarch insisted strongly to see them destroyed immediatly. The fight hopefully ended before to create a diplomatic issue.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Elloa
Society : A Hallows End party!
We danced with ghosts and ghouls when this yearly Hallows End party was held at Raven hill cemetery in Duskwood, and with Miss Aisling from The Shining Strand as the Wicked Witch hostess, this night will be hard to forget. A Hallows End party for all of us who wanted to celebrate the fallen with being alive.
Miss Aisling welcomed everyone to the Hallows End celebration with a speach and asked everyone to have some food and drinks in the bar. She looked a bit frightening; that was of course the theme for the night. Me and Tintam arrived dressed as a Twilight Cultist and a Lumberjack. The costume contest would be held later on in the evening; me and Tintam was asked to be judges in it. There was also going be a food contest where the contestants had to eat fermented haunted Herrings; me and Tintam were gonna be judges in that contest too.
The winner would be the one who still stood up after the last fermented haunted Herring was eaten.
The bar offered different kinds of drinks and I drank something yellow which tasted of orange with a jello larva in it, a very suitable drink for this nights theme. I also saw a blue one with a spider in it, I didn't have the gut's to try that one out.

When we all had been mingling for a while with our drinks and in good company, Miss Aisling called us out to the courtyard where the food competition was going be held. A Gnome Commander from the Gnomeregan Special Forces arrived with a box with an extremely awfull smell, I believed these were the Herrings. It was hard to stay near it. Suddenly the Gnome Commander started to melt and was soon gone in a pile of green clay. We took our hat's off to salute the brave Gnome Commander who died carrying out the fermented haunted Herrings, may he rest in peace.
Only 3 contestants had the gut's to enter the competition. And amongst the contestants there was a woman, Lady Vale. The other two was a warlock named Vect and a mage named Gathren, both of whom were men. The smell was nearly too much for us judges to handle, so if we were becoming feint of the smell we had to step back a bit. Vect gave up first, he was very pale and his face shifted in light green; well done Vect. The two contestants left swallowed fast and you could see on their face's they nearly had enough, when we all heard the word. Gathren gave up which meant that Lady Vale was the winner. Her pale green face broke out in a big smile. We all applauded the Champion of fermented haunted Herring eating, that same fish who killed a Gnome Commander and took out two strong men.

The Hallows End party continued and everyone had a very good time. The last contest for the evening was the costume competition, and everyone had come dressed in great costumes for the evening, meaning we, the judges, should judge the best. Many entered the competition and it was a very tough call to judge all the nice costumes. Even though the judges had their favourites we had to be fair to everyone in the contest. We judged with points and the contestants had to tell us why he or she chose that particular costume; we also gave points for best costume.
A heavy mist was hanging in the air and we called out the best male and female winner. Lephia who dressed as a headless horseman victim was the female winner. We were stunned when she told us her tale in how she got caught in the horseman's trap. Well done! The male winner was Eloresh dressed as a barbarian, his tale of barbarians was very interesting to listen to. The bloodstained axe he had on his back was a real breathtaker. Fake? Real? We can only guess. The fireworks lighted the dark sky when the winners recieved their prize's.

This Hallows End's party came to an end. And I believe ghosts, ghouls nor humans will ever forget this evening. An evening which goes in the sign of death and life alike.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Alakina Aisling
Miss Aisling welcomed everyone to the Hallows End celebration with a speach and asked everyone to have some food and drinks in the bar. She looked a bit frightening; that was of course the theme for the night. Me and Tintam arrived dressed as a Twilight Cultist and a Lumberjack. The costume contest would be held later on in the evening; me and Tintam was asked to be judges in it. There was also going be a food contest where the contestants had to eat fermented haunted Herrings; me and Tintam were gonna be judges in that contest too.
The winner would be the one who still stood up after the last fermented haunted Herring was eaten.
The bar offered different kinds of drinks and I drank something yellow which tasted of orange with a jello larva in it, a very suitable drink for this nights theme. I also saw a blue one with a spider in it, I didn't have the gut's to try that one out.

When we all had been mingling for a while with our drinks and in good company, Miss Aisling called us out to the courtyard where the food competition was going be held. A Gnome Commander from the Gnomeregan Special Forces arrived with a box with an extremely awfull smell, I believed these were the Herrings. It was hard to stay near it. Suddenly the Gnome Commander started to melt and was soon gone in a pile of green clay. We took our hat's off to salute the brave Gnome Commander who died carrying out the fermented haunted Herrings, may he rest in peace.
Only 3 contestants had the gut's to enter the competition. And amongst the contestants there was a woman, Lady Vale. The other two was a warlock named Vect and a mage named Gathren, both of whom were men. The smell was nearly too much for us judges to handle, so if we were becoming feint of the smell we had to step back a bit. Vect gave up first, he was very pale and his face shifted in light green; well done Vect. The two contestants left swallowed fast and you could see on their face's they nearly had enough, when we all heard the word. Gathren gave up which meant that Lady Vale was the winner. Her pale green face broke out in a big smile. We all applauded the Champion of fermented haunted Herring eating, that same fish who killed a Gnome Commander and took out two strong men.

The Hallows End party continued and everyone had a very good time. The last contest for the evening was the costume competition, and everyone had come dressed in great costumes for the evening, meaning we, the judges, should judge the best. Many entered the competition and it was a very tough call to judge all the nice costumes. Even though the judges had their favourites we had to be fair to everyone in the contest. We judged with points and the contestants had to tell us why he or she chose that particular costume; we also gave points for best costume.
A heavy mist was hanging in the air and we called out the best male and female winner. Lephia who dressed as a headless horseman victim was the female winner. We were stunned when she told us her tale in how she got caught in the horseman's trap. Well done! The male winner was Eloresh dressed as a barbarian, his tale of barbarians was very interesting to listen to. The bloodstained axe he had on his back was a real breathtaker. Fake? Real? We can only guess. The fireworks lighted the dark sky when the winners recieved their prize's.

This Hallows End's party came to an end. And I believe ghosts, ghouls nor humans will ever forget this evening. An evening which goes in the sign of death and life alike.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Alakina Aisling
Society : The Diaspora House
The draenei rent a house in Stormwind to establish their community in a peaceful lane facing the canal. The outrageous prize of the Stormwinder real estate force them to share the building with Whitestar Magazine. I can say they couldn’t have find better neighbourghs !
The idea came from the anchoress Exaythe, a quiet draenei and our reporter Elloa. They wanted to create a commune for the exiled draenei living in the Eastern Kingdoms, but as many of them had joined different azerothian organisations, Exaythe prefered to establish a kind of ambassy. « Alike the Arrathorian » did she precised to me.
The house is called Diaspora House, to remind that the draenei have been splitted all arround the world, separated from each others and to invite them to gather in their stormwinder home. This initiative is important for them, because a draenei cut from his commune become a ashem, someone who have forgotten the Light. Many of them are already regular visitor, I can mention Miss Puaar and the draenei-undead, Arcanist Drustaï. I do not understand anyting of what they are saying, but I can assure you that the atmosphere in the house is filled with good vibrations !
We can expet many activities to be hold, and I’m proud to announce you that Whitestar Magazine will be at the first rank ! Hourrah !
A kind remind to our visitors which might come to our office : stay quiet and respectful, the first floor is reserved for the Draenei. Any donation of chairs are welcome ! My bet that we will need them !
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Tintam Spindlefirework
The house is called Diaspora House, to remind that the draenei have been splitted all arround the world, separated from each others and to invite them to gather in their stormwinder home. This initiative is important for them, because a draenei cut from his commune become a ashem, someone who have forgotten the Light. Many of them are already regular visitor, I can mention Miss Puaar and the draenei-undead, Arcanist Drustaï. I do not understand anyting of what they are saying, but I can assure you that the atmosphere in the house is filled with good vibrations !
We can expet many activities to be hold, and I’m proud to announce you that Whitestar Magazine will be at the first rank ! Hourrah !
A kind remind to our visitors which might come to our office : stay quiet and respectful, the first floor is reserved for the Draenei. Any donation of chairs are welcome ! My bet that we will need them !
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Tintam Spindlefirework
Earthquake : the shaman gathering

Our reporter Elloa who is also initiated to shamanism (cf. Article : Chronicle of Elloa : shaman awakening) have travelled through Azeroth during two weeks to warn and call all shamans of the world. They heard her call, and they gathered in the goblin harbor of Ratchet.
The shamans gathered in a large circle. Elloa and a troll offered a potion with a strong herbal smell, that all drank. They started the drums and the songs. And then, one by one, they all started to dance. They seemed to be lost in another world. It was the ceremony of Vision, and all shamans saw the elements raging in War.
Then, they started the Ceremony of Offering to appease the Elements. They dropped totems and summoned orbs arround them, while the leaders where giving offerings. The ogres had a way to honnour the Water who surprised everyone.

The shamans had done all they could. Despite the wars and conflicts separating their races, they gathered peacefully, and prayed together. Even if they didn't succeed to appease the Elements, this gathering was a first victory over destruction.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Alakina Aisling
Short News
Earthquake : Naga's war
During the few last weeks the GAIRDAS Institute have organised several expeditions in different hotspots of ancient disasters to study any source of disturbance which could cause the series of Earthquakes. The Institute, lead by the mage Blinkie, had call for some volunteers to help the investigations. Along the scientist representatives of Gnomeragan, have joined a priestess of Elune, a druid, a human, and some honnored members of the Explorer League of Ironforge. And obviously, the Whitestar Magazine crew was present all along the three expeditions!
The two first investigations, respectively in the old citadel of Blackrock, and arround the Dark Portal, have both been negative. However, the last one, send in the desolated area of Azharra had been a lot more fruitful. And as you can guess, your favourite team of reporters have not only be present, and participating to the research, but have actualy made two discoveries of importance !
After having risk our life in different old temples in ruins, menacing at each earthquake to collapse on our head, we have find some old Naga tablets that the moon priestess have translated. The last temple we visited was invaded by nagas bodies lying everwhere on the ground. A simple look was enough to understand that the giant crabs infesting the place were not the guilty ones ! After some times of research, braving the stones falling from the roof, and the monsters, I found the parchemin who would teach us the scoop of the year : the Nagas are at War. The syrens recieved the order of retrieving back into the seas and to fight ..something terribly mysterious. Why ? The reasons might be told in the next Whitestar Magazine ! Stay updated and do not miss our next numero !
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Tintam Spindlefirework
Darnassus : The dark books affair
The problem of the books is not solved yet (cf. Article "Investigations in Darkshore"). Four books had been discovered and are jealously enclosed by an Elder of the Circle of Darnassus. The Farseer Sanara have requested several time one volume to show to the Naaru O'ros and have his opinion concerning the obvious corruption of those books. The Kaldorei have however refused any negociations.
Why so much protection and so much secrets arround those books ? A possibility is that the Circle is affraid to see the books stolen and destroyed. Hard time, hard measure could we argue...However this behaviour and this interest for dark magy books is so inapropriate for a people which have lose its immortality due to the corruption of arcane power, for a people having suffered so heavily because of the Legion, that "the dark book affair" become very suspicious.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Elloa
Two new regiments of Guards are patrolling the streets of Stormwind. The Blazing Shield, which were assuring the city security till now, seem to have been the target of unfortune, and to have lose many of their effective in the past few weeks.
To balance the situation, a generous noble have offered his own militia to the service of the city. Those are walking in purple tabard and call themselves : The Dieudonné Seal.
I can personaly testify of the good work of those mans. I had been send – as many volunteer- in a secret mission to infiltrate the Cult. I was wearing a cultist dress as disguisement, while unfortunate enough to have been stabbed by a bandit that I tried to help. Sir Mismantel was walking by chance in that street. Seeing me injuried and losing my blood on the very ground, he called the guard for assitance. Two guards of the Seal of Dieudonné arrived almost immediatly. They offered a charitable assistance, but stand firm and strict. I had to be taken in the Keep for heavy questioning concerning my outfit and my possible affiliation with the Cult. No words of the Baron Mismantel nor the fact that I'm well known as reporter in the city, sufficed to release me. The guards stand uncorruptible, strict, but always respectful, fair and gentle. That's what we expect from a city guard regiment, aren't we ?
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Elloa
People : Interview with the judge Whitker:
When I first met Whitker I got the feeling of a man who didn't stop for anything, who put everyone in the dirt. But underneath the harsh surface there is a man who is a soon to be a father; his girlfriend is pregnant. A man who helps the poor. And all in all he is a nice and decent
guy who sees to other's needs.
Whitker is a judge in Stormwind City, working with the Dieudonne Seal's regiment, aiding them with all legal pursuits; a judge is in charge of trials and makes sure they are fair.
This is Whitestar Magazine's interview with Whitker the judge.
What exactly do you do in your work?
As you already know I'm a judge. I help to keep the streets safe by working with the Guard regiment in any way I can to make their life easier. I also sentence criminals and uphold the law. Some of the laws can also be misinterpreted or the punishments unclear. We're hoping to revise the law book sometime soon if the Council permits it and get a more cut and dry version. Not sure if I'd like this though, interpretation of the book is part of my job! But I also have other businesses like this bar...
Oh so you are a bartender too?
I own this bar, those jobs are taken up by my staff.
How many executions have you approven so far?
I approved one for the old guard regiment but I am almost certain that the criminal escaped. I'm working with the new guards, The Dieudonne Seal's to make sure that this won't happen again.
How many prisoners have you judged?
I've honestly lost count!
What is your major descisions? Is it murder, crime, money?
Murder is more common than I'd like to see it but I think the most usual crime is thievery, both mugging and home invasion. However, since the Seal have been on the streets criminals seem to be running scared!
A loud noice came from downstairs and we had to pause
the interview, Whitker excused himself like a true gentleman
and headed on downstairs to take care of the brawl.
Was everything ok downstairs?
Aye, everything is fine.
It can be a bit rough in bars I presume.
Definately when I have to chip in with security. Although, when I get involved, things tend to calm down very quickly.
Yeah well I know I wouldn't stick my nose up for the owner!
Have you judged someone from the bar?
No I never had to, I tend to employ mercs and the like but I usually do a background check.
Yes of course.
A big quake moved the earth and both me and Whitker grabbed the table for support.
That was a strong one! They are getting worse and worse.
I'm just glad this place is insured!
So do you go anywhere to research for the trials?
I merely ask all of the individuals involved. Guards and witnesses tend to be the key "research" I do, but mainly a case is already put together by a lawyer and often all of the information is there. The command centre tends to have all the records aswell; well guarded of course.
How many judges are there?
I've been informed of the existence of other Judges but so far havn't met any.
How long have you been a judge?
I've been a Judge for about six months or so, perhaps longer.
I bet Whitestar Magazine readers would like to know a little about you and your girlfriend. How did you two meet?
We actually hated each other to start with..
I guess she saw herself as a legal figure and didn't trust me much. We came to political blows a few times, seen my name been dragged through the muck several times too.
Whitker paused and lit a cigarette taken from the silvercase he
had on the table.
I listened with interest when Whitker told his story.
When I was a lawyer I obviously had to defend criminals. It was just part of the job.
Of course.
But there were rumours that it was more than that. Rumours that I helped them with illegal activities which just wasn't true. I wasn't in shape at all back then. I've only recently started my fitness regime. This place used to be raided you know? When they found criminals they linked it to me..
How do criminals NOT drink? How can a tavern open with no criminals drinking there?
I mean the majority of the working class in this city have been in a brawl.
I haven't heard anything at all what happened in Stormwind until just recently, I've been out and discovered the world.
Some of the poorer lot have stolen to feed themselves, I try to be fair. Someone that stole bread to feed themselves is guilty in my eyes, but they definately don't deserve a night in prison.
Hunger is not a crime..
Of course not, coming from a very upper class family I don't know of hunger. I've had friends that I've often helped out of it. If you want the truth, some of the criminals were given money by me, but dont get me wrong; these were the poor. The ones that could not clothe themselves. The ones that had families to support. Not for drugs or anything of similar nature. I saw them as people not criminals. It wasn't pity. It was Charity!
There is nothing wrong in helping others, criminal or not. It doesn't matter in my eyes.
Whitker smiled towards me in an understanding manner.
I excused myself and told him that my time was up, I was needed elsewhere and had to leave.
Thank you for the interview Whitker, it was very interesting
to hear about the work of a judge.
It was my pleasure!
Whitestar Magazine said their farewell to Whitker and headed out to go for another adventure.
Who will be interviewed next time?
Only time will tell.
guy who sees to other's needs.
Whitker is a judge in Stormwind City, working with the Dieudonne Seal's regiment, aiding them with all legal pursuits; a judge is in charge of trials and makes sure they are fair.
This is Whitestar Magazine's interview with Whitker the judge.
What exactly do you do in your work?
As you already know I'm a judge. I help to keep the streets safe by working with the Guard regiment in any way I can to make their life easier. I also sentence criminals and uphold the law. Some of the laws can also be misinterpreted or the punishments unclear. We're hoping to revise the law book sometime soon if the Council permits it and get a more cut and dry version. Not sure if I'd like this though, interpretation of the book is part of my job! But I also have other businesses like this bar...
Oh so you are a bartender too?
I own this bar, those jobs are taken up by my staff.
How many executions have you approven so far?
I approved one for the old guard regiment but I am almost certain that the criminal escaped. I'm working with the new guards, The Dieudonne Seal's to make sure that this won't happen again.
How many prisoners have you judged?
I've honestly lost count!
What is your major descisions? Is it murder, crime, money?
Murder is more common than I'd like to see it but I think the most usual crime is thievery, both mugging and home invasion. However, since the Seal have been on the streets criminals seem to be running scared!
A loud noice came from downstairs and we had to pause
the interview, Whitker excused himself like a true gentleman
and headed on downstairs to take care of the brawl.
Was everything ok downstairs?
Aye, everything is fine.
It can be a bit rough in bars I presume.
Definately when I have to chip in with security. Although, when I get involved, things tend to calm down very quickly.
Yeah well I know I wouldn't stick my nose up for the owner!
Have you judged someone from the bar?
No I never had to, I tend to employ mercs and the like but I usually do a background check.
Yes of course.
A big quake moved the earth and both me and Whitker grabbed the table for support.
That was a strong one! They are getting worse and worse.
I'm just glad this place is insured!
So do you go anywhere to research for the trials?
I merely ask all of the individuals involved. Guards and witnesses tend to be the key "research" I do, but mainly a case is already put together by a lawyer and often all of the information is there. The command centre tends to have all the records aswell; well guarded of course.
How many judges are there?
I've been informed of the existence of other Judges but so far havn't met any.
How long have you been a judge?
I've been a Judge for about six months or so, perhaps longer.
I bet Whitestar Magazine readers would like to know a little about you and your girlfriend. How did you two meet?
We actually hated each other to start with..
I guess she saw herself as a legal figure and didn't trust me much. We came to political blows a few times, seen my name been dragged through the muck several times too.
Whitker paused and lit a cigarette taken from the silvercase he
had on the table.
I listened with interest when Whitker told his story.
When I was a lawyer I obviously had to defend criminals. It was just part of the job.
Of course.
But there were rumours that it was more than that. Rumours that I helped them with illegal activities which just wasn't true. I wasn't in shape at all back then. I've only recently started my fitness regime. This place used to be raided you know? When they found criminals they linked it to me..
How do criminals NOT drink? How can a tavern open with no criminals drinking there?
I mean the majority of the working class in this city have been in a brawl.
I haven't heard anything at all what happened in Stormwind until just recently, I've been out and discovered the world.
Some of the poorer lot have stolen to feed themselves, I try to be fair. Someone that stole bread to feed themselves is guilty in my eyes, but they definately don't deserve a night in prison.
Hunger is not a crime..
Of course not, coming from a very upper class family I don't know of hunger. I've had friends that I've often helped out of it. If you want the truth, some of the criminals were given money by me, but dont get me wrong; these were the poor. The ones that could not clothe themselves. The ones that had families to support. Not for drugs or anything of similar nature. I saw them as people not criminals. It wasn't pity. It was Charity!
There is nothing wrong in helping others, criminal or not. It doesn't matter in my eyes.
Whitker smiled towards me in an understanding manner.
I excused myself and told him that my time was up, I was needed elsewhere and had to leave.
Thank you for the interview Whitker, it was very interesting
to hear about the work of a judge.
It was my pleasure!
Whitestar Magazine said their farewell to Whitker and headed out to go for another adventure.
Who will be interviewed next time?
Only time will tell.
Elloa's chronicles : awakening of a shaman
Elloa's chronicles : the world seen through the eyes of a Draenei
I proposed to join the Elementalist Sekina in her expedition along the Hour of Argus, gathering organised by Puaar in the Exodar. The series of earthquakes had started lightly at this point, and Sekina had the project to investigate the elemental activity in far South Kalimdor with her apprendice, Neruna.
I wanted to join them for several reasons. First, it was a marvellous opportunity to write an article about adventure and exploration. Second, I had to spend time with two sisters and be plunged in my own culture again, a perspective which filled me with joy. Third, it was the occasion for me to improve my shamanistic connection with the world. And lastly, I wanted to help and understand. Those earthquakes worried me as much as the others of my kind.
We left the Exodar on a chilly afternoon, and we took the boat for Auberdine. We were mounting our talbuk and carried as little as possible. I even didn’t bring any suitable armor. I didn’t think we had to cross different areas controlled by the Horde and that we might be considered as targets to shoot. Even after everything we have endured, I'm still an utopist Draenei.
However, our travel happened peacefully. The roads of Darkshore and Ashenvale were secure, and we had the occasion to discuss together and to enjoy the beauty of the ancestral woods. A series of earthquakes shaked the land. It seemed that they grew stronger, and the interval between them shorter. I fell once from my mount. We heard the trees creaking and we were worried they would fall on our heads.
We decided to take a pause of several days in Astranaar. Sekina explored the shores of the lake, meditating and listening to the complaining of the earth. Me, I took the occasion of being so close the Ashpine village to greet the Furbolgs.
Uung, the chieftain of the Ashpine tribe was holding a ceremony in the honour of the tribe ancestors when I arrived. Several Kaldorei were sitting arround the fire, breathing the herbal smoke which make strangers understand the language of the forest. I was a bit surprised to see so few Furbolgs, but Uung explained me quickly that he had sent them in the wild to try to calm the Elements.
- "The Shaman say that the earth heaves in pain, if even you have heard its cries of agony all the way over at the heaven tree, then it might be even more severe than we originally feared." said he, visibly worried.
-"The elements are upset. I hear the wind howling and screaming, it tears apart through this forest in agony." add Urog, the tribe fisherman
I went back in my room, but could not find sleep. A feeling was invading me. A feeling of emergency. And I knew that I had to continue my way alone. It was the moment to finish my initiation. I left my two sisters when the first rays of sunlight enlightened the forest, letting them only a letter as goodbye. I crossed the wood, I crossed the savannah of the Barrens. I didn’t met any hostilities. I thought I’d travel far, but my ride only drove me to the Stonetalon Mountains, a dry area with a strong Horde presence.
It was then I understood what I had to do. An idea invaded my mind and it hasn't let me peace since then. I had to gather as many shamans as I could, from all horizons, to hold a great ceremony together. And maybe understand and help the world to not fall in chaos…
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Elloa
Spiritual: The Pilgrimage
"Whispers in the wind, foretelling of what is to come,
a prophecy of war, famine and darkness, in such times
we need the Light more than ever. To guide us and lead
us upon a path that mayhap can lead to a better future?
For it is only Light that can shatter darkness and it is
only by giving aid to those in need and respect your allies
and friends that we can seek this more fortunate fate."

People are starting to gather in front of Cathedral of Light in Stormwind. Something big is about to happend. The expression on peoples faces tell us about pride and honor, but also sorrow and it's clearly that someone is greatly missed. This is the annual pilgrimage in Uther the Lightbringers name! We march to honor his memory, we march to honor the light!
As all have gathered we start to march. Thoughts of the past comes to mind and we all walk silently for a while. But after this while people starts to raise their voices, starts to get to know new persons who will become new friends and are sharing thoughts and memories between eachother.
The air is filled with joy and laughter as we move on through Blackrock Mountains. Enemies are hiding this day when the light marches on.

We reach the tomb just when the sun is about to set and Maelmoor Lightbringer held a speech about the greatness of Uther the Lightbringer. Not one eye is dry when he finish his speech and in great spirit we all salute the statue of Uther himself.

This evening was about one man and the honor and pride he gave to the generations after him. Uther the Lightbringer will never be forgotten and his teachings about the light will live forever.
If we keep the memory of Uther, and honor his teachings he will never die.

"You are a great champion, When you fought the ground shook, the sky opened and mere mortals parted.
Parted the way to victory, where you'll meet us in the everlasting light.
Where we'll kneel down in gratitude for all your glory."
Old poem from the Aisling Family.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Alakina Aisling
a prophecy of war, famine and darkness, in such times
we need the Light more than ever. To guide us and lead
us upon a path that mayhap can lead to a better future?
For it is only Light that can shatter darkness and it is
only by giving aid to those in need and respect your allies
and friends that we can seek this more fortunate fate."

People are starting to gather in front of Cathedral of Light in Stormwind. Something big is about to happend. The expression on peoples faces tell us about pride and honor, but also sorrow and it's clearly that someone is greatly missed. This is the annual pilgrimage in Uther the Lightbringers name! We march to honor his memory, we march to honor the light!
As all have gathered we start to march. Thoughts of the past comes to mind and we all walk silently for a while. But after this while people starts to raise their voices, starts to get to know new persons who will become new friends and are sharing thoughts and memories between eachother.
The air is filled with joy and laughter as we move on through Blackrock Mountains. Enemies are hiding this day when the light marches on.

We reach the tomb just when the sun is about to set and Maelmoor Lightbringer held a speech about the greatness of Uther the Lightbringer. Not one eye is dry when he finish his speech and in great spirit we all salute the statue of Uther himself.

This evening was about one man and the honor and pride he gave to the generations after him. Uther the Lightbringer will never be forgotten and his teachings about the light will live forever.
If we keep the memory of Uther, and honor his teachings he will never die.

"You are a great champion, When you fought the ground shook, the sky opened and mere mortals parted.
Parted the way to victory, where you'll meet us in the everlasting light.
Where we'll kneel down in gratitude for all your glory."
Old poem from the Aisling Family.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Alakina Aisling
Politic : A Bal in Theramore
A great Bal had been organised in Theramore gathering the best society of the Alliance. The intiative come from the Elder of Diplomacy, Calisar Ravencrest, member of the new Circle of Darnassus. The goal, as will explain in her speech the elegant Kaldorei, is to create bonds and tights relations between the differents Alliance nations. Diplomats and Ambassadors from whole Azeroth have been invited. A crowd of well dressed dwarves, humans and night elves invade the Mage Tower of Theramore. Only few gnomes are present, and a couple of draeneis. The atmosphere is pleasant, the drinks are refreshing and the snacks are tasty. People discuss together, they share opinions, seem to be interested to another culture. The Bal is already a success.
Following the Speech of Calisar and the Paladin Maelmoor, the gnome Swatti Tinkerbolt speak with entousiam. He share the plans of his King to retake Gnomeragan in an ambitious operation planed a long time ago. He finish by raising his fist and cheer all Alliance leaders.
Another noticable event along this festivity, is the coming of the first Furlborg ambassador : Knart of Ashepine. His tribe recently saved by a group of idealist Kaldorei have joined the Alliance Force.
The Bal end late in the night, with the show of a trio of dancers and a magnificient firework exploding above the Main door of Theramore.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from - Elloa
Following the Speech of Calisar and the Paladin Maelmoor, the gnome Swatti Tinkerbolt speak with entousiam. He share the plans of his King to retake Gnomeragan in an ambitious operation planed a long time ago. He finish by raising his fist and cheer all Alliance leaders.

The Bal end late in the night, with the show of a trio of dancers and a magnificient firework exploding above the Main door of Theramore.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from - Elloa
Politic : The Furbolg Ambassador
Knart of Ashpine is friendly, and share easily his story. A tale of freedom and courage. The Gnarlpine tribe, as many others tribe of Furbolg, had been tainted by the action of the Burning Legion. They became mad, aggresive and enslaved each others. A courageous male named Uung managed to escape and gain Darnassus where he begged for help. A group of Kaldorei, lead by Mandarath Winterstorm and approved by the Circle of Darnassus decided to freed the untainted Furbolg. The Operation had been a success, and a new tribe of Furbolg had been formed and given lands near Astrannar : the Ashpine tribe. The libarated feel so gratful towards their rescuers, the Knifes Ears as they call them, that they consider themselves not only allied with the Night Elves, but also, with the whole Alliance. Send by his chieftain, Knart, is therefor the first Furbolg Ambassador.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from - Elloa
Whitestar Magazine© Article from - Elloa
Elloa's Chronicle : The day before
Elloa’s chronicle: the world seen through the eyes of a Draenei
Theramore, Wednesday evening. An autumnal breeze blow on the harbor. It’s not cold yet, but I regret to not have bring with me a woole cloak. The Ambassador Bal will be my first reportage and while I’m waiting for my Snapshotter, I’m wondering how I’ll achieve my job. A Kaldorei is waiting on the dock. She had been hired as a waitress. She is carring a suitcase with her different outfits. Alike many others, she will sleep tonight in the city.
Dréfurion, aide to the Elder of Diplomacy and organizer of the event Calisar Ravencrest, is walking arround, beeing sure everything is well organised. He seem slightly worried.
The Blazing Shields soldiers are patrolling already, under the supervision of Eloresh. The man, in silver armor, show to the famous Stormwind guards everything they need to know to assure a perfect security the morrow, including the locale prison.
« The Kaldorei will most likely arriving by the door, while Dwarf and Gnomes will arrive by boats. »
Later, the Shields have dropped their plate armor, they run arround the fort.
« We have been hired to protect Theramore, because we have an excellent training » will confess me later, Kainna the Shields Capitain.
In the Mage Tower, where the Bal will be attended, I surprise a discussion concerning the arrival of foods, drinks and Ale.
The organisation promise a wonderfull festivity. Nothing is let to chance. Everything is checked twice.
Some guest have taken a room in the Inn. Among them, Vezullia Astroloxia, Minister of Magi and member of the Stormwind Council. We discuss together. I’ve never spoke to any sober gnome before. She share with me her satisfaction that such an event is organised.
« I’m expecting to make new connections. »
A fresh and heavy rain start to fall. We feel that the summer touch its end. The Minister and I gain the Inn, where a couple of humans are speaking with the High Priestess Alushia. Vezullia and I continue our discussion. The debat between us is so passionating that I forget my role of reporter. I’m only Elloa, a draenei trying to understand the world where she landed.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from - Elloa
Society : The Wedding
Many have gathered in Stromgarde to invitness
the wedding between lady Amirah and lord Élegost.
We were many who came from both far and near to congratulate
them for their blessing to have eachother and for things to come
in the future.

The reverend starts up the ceremony and welcomes
everyone to the wedding.
Cheerful is the day when the couple say the words we all
have longed for to hear. I do!

In the newly weds faces you can see everything two people share
between eachother and the biggest thing of them all is Love.
Fireworks fills the air when the couple gives eachother
the weddingkiss. The strongest kiss of all which will
bound them to eachother.
The ceremony ends with more fireworks to the peoples cheering
and applaus, and the couple asks the crowd to move to the Eastfields
for a small tournament to celebrate the wedding. The contestants compete for honor and glory.
Every lady got to choose one champion to fight for them in the tournament.

I decided that Sir Bennedict Omarosand, Knight of Disciples of Light was a great champion for Whitestar Magazine, very courageous and handsome upon his steed in shining armor. He was a true heartmelter. He fought bravely and with a great spirit but unfortunately he was not victorius.
The sun settled behind the mountains and it was time for Whitestar Magazine to move out.
The night sets in around the couple and not a soul will know
how they will spend their weddingnight, we all can only guess.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Alakina Aisling
the wedding between lady Amirah and lord Élegost.
We were many who came from both far and near to congratulate
them for their blessing to have eachother and for things to come
in the future.

The reverend starts up the ceremony and welcomes
everyone to the wedding.
Cheerful is the day when the couple say the words we all
have longed for to hear. I do!

In the newly weds faces you can see everything two people share
between eachother and the biggest thing of them all is Love.
Fireworks fills the air when the couple gives eachother
the weddingkiss. The strongest kiss of all which will
bound them to eachother.
The ceremony ends with more fireworks to the peoples cheering
and applaus, and the couple asks the crowd to move to the Eastfields
for a small tournament to celebrate the wedding. The contestants compete for honor and glory.
Every lady got to choose one champion to fight for them in the tournament.

I decided that Sir Bennedict Omarosand, Knight of Disciples of Light was a great champion for Whitestar Magazine, very courageous and handsome upon his steed in shining armor. He was a true heartmelter. He fought bravely and with a great spirit but unfortunately he was not victorius.
The sun settled behind the mountains and it was time for Whitestar Magazine to move out.
The night sets in around the couple and not a soul will know
how they will spend their weddingnight, we all can only guess.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Alakina Aisling
People : old lad aint' boring !
To be an elder dwarf isn’t synonym of beeing boring, admonitory or senile as proove Master Stoutstone, the oldest dwarf alive or Master Sootbeard!

Recently, Bimfor Stoutstone have celebrated his 435th birthday. A party had been organised in his hometown Thelsamar, in the Dun Morog mountains. Prestigious figures from Stormwind or even Darnassus traveled to honnor the oldest dwarf alive. Then again, we do not meet a hopeless old person complaining on his own wounds, but a man of experience and bright humour. His vitality is amazing for a person of his age. To the demand of his friends and family, he tells a good joke, make his public laugh to tears and ask for more ale. Later he shares his best memories : souvenirs of a miner of exeption, of someone who lived along the reign of two kings, who saw amazing events happening arround him.
The Ironforge Ambassador explain that elders are very respected in the dwarvish culture. Their experience of life, their knowledge is a present for every younger dwarf. An example to follow.
Master Sootbear, Master Stoutstone and all other elders of Kaz Modan : May your beard grow longer!
Whitestar Magazine© Article from - Elloa
Whitestar Magazine© Article from - Elloa
Exploration : The Ashpine tribe

The night is falling and the forest is getting darker, softly surrounding us with purple light. There is no silence in those woods as they are filled with a luxuriant and peaceful life. The vegetation have a strong, and earthy parfume which make me feel more…healthy. Alakina stop the motorbike over Astranar road and hide it in buishes. We have find the camp we were looking for : the Ashpine tribe village. I walk first, hoping to meet Knart, the Furbolg ambassador.

As much friendly as he was in Theramore, Knart introduce us to his chief. His friend, an energic male question agressively Alakina. Her pink sunglasses arrouse his suspicion.
They lead us towards the fire where dance a heavy smoke. It smell strongly burned spicy wood. The chieftain only speak with gestures, and demand us to breath the smoke. I guess what is about this ceremony. I’m a little bit aquainted with Furbolg uses. We all breathe deeply. Alakina cough. My head is spinning. I recognise the sensation. We are now able to understand the language of the wood.
Sitting by the fire, we discus all along the evening. Uung the Liberated, chieftain of the untainted Gnarlpines, tell us his story, his hopes, his visions…His worries to not have been able to save more than a dozen of females. He look towards his tribesmans with mixed feelings : compassion and exhaustion. It’s easy to see that his wisdom outmatch Knart and his friend’s.
« They only think about to breed females » confess he.

Our conversation is suddendly interrupted by noises of wolfs and riders. Before we have the time to react, a band of orcs heavily armored suddendly arise from the deepthness of the forest. I try to speak to them. I’ve only opened my mouth that I feel a pungent pain on the back of my head, and I fall, face on the ground. The orcs are surrounding me. It seem that the Furbolg have managed to escape. I don’t know where is Alakina. I painfully manage to rise on my hoofs. I want to tell them to stop, that I’m not agressive. But I don’t remember the words. It’s a so long time I’ve not spoken to orcs ! I’ve not the time to say anything that a warrior give me a second kick with the back of his axe. I black out.
Later, Uung will tell us that the green faces are often seen in the forest. They want the land, they want the woods. But now that their tribe is free, they are fighting together with the Kaldorei. Even if they can not trust them entirerly due to their ancient mistakes, they are gratful and faithful to their new saviors.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from - Elloa
Whitestar Magazine© Article from - Elloa
Memories of a Draenei : the Night of the falling Stars (part I)
Long times ago, on the flourishing world of Draenor, the orcs were celebrating the sacred Night of the Falling Stars. When our people settled on this planet, the tribes invited us to join their ancestral celebration of the astral event. We were sharing an evening together, offering gift, food, challenging each others along games and we exchanged blessing. It became a night symbol of peace between our two races.
As I was learning the orkish language, I had been left in charge of the organization of this event during several years, and I was successfully offering the Draenei blessing of Light. But that time…I had a bad feeling about it.
I had made a nightmare so vivid that I could not think about something else. I though it was a bad presage for the celebration, and I wanted to hear a wise opinion, find some comfort and guidance, and even...a replacement.
At this time, Sanara of the Exodar was an anchoress wandering alone in the wilds of Terrotkar. I made hardly my way to her hermitage. I was filled with hope. Sanara was a name most of us knew, as she was one of the eldest of our kind, and her wisdom was respected more than she though. She received me with simplicity and kindness; around her camp fire where she cooked some fishes she had captured herself. We talk longly. She offered me comfort rather than answers. But more important, she accepted to break her exile to give the Blessing herself. In exchange, I just had to bring her soap and white dye for her hair.
However, the evening of the celebration, my heart was filled with anguish. I was walking endlessly on the Light Terrasse of Shattrah, waiting for people, waiting for Sanara…I wasn’t expecting a crowd, but they really were few people attending. And worst than anything: the Anchoress wasn’t there. It reinforced my bad feeling about a cursed Celebration! Would I be forced to offer the Blessing myself ?
We were about to be late. I gathered the few females which were present, and we started to move towards the point of rendez vous. When we arrived to the little village, my heart stopped to beat a moment. It was empty. I started to be catastrophied. We were late and the orcs were gone already…They were a bit primitive, they would take it as an offence. I couldn’t reason myself that it was not important and that in two or three generations this event would be all forgotten. I was in panic.
When I though that everything was lost and that I had failed miserably, we finaly saw a cortege arriving in the horizon. The orcs were late themselves. And as I was relieved by their presence, my brain started to work again. I suddendly remembered that Sanara told me to meet her in Telaar before the ceremony. How stupid I was, to let my emotion control me to the point of forgetting such an important thing ! Aomir, a young draenei, had a fierce elek as mount, and offered me to get the Anchoress herself. She left and ran trough the plains as fast as a falling star.
Meanwhile, I tried then to organise the feast. The orcs were more numerous than us. Seven males, all larges and strongs, and two females. We gathered arround a large fire. There were fruits, meat, fishes. The orc were eating with appetit. The draeneis were less confident. One female was so shy that she could not dare to approach the orcs. They were wondering why she was scared, and I tired to explain them that she was too impressed by their large musculature. I though some humour, added to a little compliment could only relax the atmosphere. They laughed. The dinner happened like this. There weren’t so much communication between our poeple, other than glances, and satisfied smiles. But everything was fine…for now…
(To be continued..)
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