
Society : The Diaspora House

The draenei rent a house in Stormwind to establish their community in a peaceful lane facing the canal. The outrageous prize of the Stormwinder real estate force them to share the building with Whitestar Magazine. I can say they couldn’t have find better neighbourghs !

The idea came from the anchoress Exaythe, a quiet draenei and our reporter Elloa. They wanted to create a commune for the exiled draenei living in the Eastern Kingdoms, but as many of them had joined different azerothian organisations, Exaythe prefered to establish a kind of ambassy. « Alike the Arrathorian » did she precised to me.

The house is called Diaspora House, to remind that the draenei have been splitted all arround the world, separated from each others and to invite them to gather in their stormwinder home. This initiative is important for them, because a draenei cut from his commune become a ashem, someone who have forgotten the Light. Many of them are already regular visitor, I can mention Miss Puaar and the draenei-undead, Arcanist Drustaï. I do not understand anyting of what they are saying, but I can assure you that the atmosphere in the house is filled with good vibrations !
We can expet many activities to be hold, and I’m proud to announce you that Whitestar Magazine will be at the first rank ! Hourrah !

A kind remind to our visitors which might come to our office : stay quiet and respectful, the first floor is reserved for the Draenei. Any donation of chairs are welcome ! My bet that we will need them !

Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Tintam Spindlefirework

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