Our reporter Elloa who is also initiated to shamanism (cf. Article : Chronicle of Elloa : shaman awakening) have travelled through Azeroth during two weeks to warn and call all shamans of the world. They heard her call, and they gathered in the goblin harbor of Ratchet.
The shamans gathered in a large circle. Elloa and a troll offered a potion with a strong herbal smell, that all drank. They started the drums and the songs. And then, one by one, they all started to dance. They seemed to be lost in another world. It was the ceremony of Vision, and all shamans saw the elements raging in War.
Then, they started the Ceremony of Offering to appease the Elements. They dropped totems and summoned orbs arround them, while the leaders where giving offerings. The ogres had a way to honnour the Water who surprised everyone.

The shamans had done all they could. Despite the wars and conflicts separating their races, they gathered peacefully, and prayed together. Even if they didn't succeed to appease the Elements, this gathering was a first victory over destruction.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Alakina Aisling
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