The night is falling and the forest is getting darker, softly surrounding us with purple light. There is no silence in those woods as they are filled with a luxuriant and peaceful life. The vegetation have a strong, and earthy parfume which make me feel more…healthy. Alakina stop the motorbike over Astranar road and hide it in buishes. We have find the camp we were looking for : the Ashpine tribe village. I walk first, hoping to meet Knart, the Furbolg ambassador.

As much friendly as he was in Theramore, Knart introduce us to his chief. His friend, an energic male question agressively Alakina. Her pink sunglasses arrouse his suspicion.
They lead us towards the fire where dance a heavy smoke. It smell strongly burned spicy wood. The chieftain only speak with gestures, and demand us to breath the smoke. I guess what is about this ceremony. I’m a little bit aquainted with Furbolg uses. We all breathe deeply. Alakina cough. My head is spinning. I recognise the sensation. We are now able to understand the language of the wood.
Sitting by the fire, we discus all along the evening. Uung the Liberated, chieftain of the untainted Gnarlpines, tell us his story, his hopes, his visions…His worries to not have been able to save more than a dozen of females. He look towards his tribesmans with mixed feelings : compassion and exhaustion. It’s easy to see that his wisdom outmatch Knart and his friend’s.
« They only think about to breed females » confess he.

Our conversation is suddendly interrupted by noises of wolfs and riders. Before we have the time to react, a band of orcs heavily armored suddendly arise from the deepthness of the forest. I try to speak to them. I’ve only opened my mouth that I feel a pungent pain on the back of my head, and I fall, face on the ground. The orcs are surrounding me. It seem that the Furbolg have managed to escape. I don’t know where is Alakina. I painfully manage to rise on my hoofs. I want to tell them to stop, that I’m not agressive. But I don’t remember the words. It’s a so long time I’ve not spoken to orcs ! I’ve not the time to say anything that a warrior give me a second kick with the back of his axe. I black out.
Later, Uung will tell us that the green faces are often seen in the forest. They want the land, they want the woods. But now that their tribe is free, they are fighting together with the Kaldorei. Even if they can not trust them entirerly due to their ancient mistakes, they are gratful and faithful to their new saviors.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from - Elloa
Whitestar Magazine© Article from - Elloa
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