A great Bal had been organised in Theramore gathering the best society of the Alliance. The intiative come from the Elder of Diplomacy, Calisar Ravencrest, member of the new Circle of Darnassus. The goal, as will explain in her speech the elegant Kaldorei, is to create bonds and tights relations between the differents Alliance nations. Diplomats and Ambassadors from whole Azeroth have been invited. A crowd of well dressed dwarves, humans and night elves invade the Mage Tower of Theramore. Only few gnomes are present, and a couple of draeneis. The atmosphere is pleasant, the drinks are refreshing and the snacks are tasty. People discuss together, they share opinions, seem to be interested to another culture. The Bal is already a success.
Following the Speech of Calisar and the Paladin Maelmoor, the gnome Swatti Tinkerbolt speak with entousiam. He share the plans of his King to retake Gnomeragan in an ambitious operation planed a long time ago. He finish by raising his fist and cheer all Alliance leaders.

Another noticable event along this festivity, is the coming of the first Furlborg ambassador : Knart of Ashepine. His tribe recently saved by a group of idealist Kaldorei have joined the Alliance Force.
The Bal end late in the night, with the show of a trio of dancers and a magnificient firework exploding above the Main door of Theramore.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from - Elloa
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