Miss Aisling welcomed everyone to the Hallows End celebration with a speach and asked everyone to have some food and drinks in the bar. She looked a bit frightening; that was of course the theme for the night. Me and Tintam arrived dressed as a Twilight Cultist and a Lumberjack. The costume contest would be held later on in the evening; me and Tintam was asked to be judges in it. There was also going be a food contest where the contestants had to eat fermented haunted Herrings; me and Tintam were gonna be judges in that contest too.
The winner would be the one who still stood up after the last fermented haunted Herring was eaten.
The bar offered different kinds of drinks and I drank something yellow which tasted of orange with a jello larva in it, a very suitable drink for this nights theme. I also saw a blue one with a spider in it, I didn't have the gut's to try that one out.

When we all had been mingling for a while with our drinks and in good company, Miss Aisling called us out to the courtyard where the food competition was going be held. A Gnome Commander from the Gnomeregan Special Forces arrived with a box with an extremely awfull smell, I believed these were the Herrings. It was hard to stay near it. Suddenly the Gnome Commander started to melt and was soon gone in a pile of green clay. We took our hat's off to salute the brave Gnome Commander who died carrying out the fermented haunted Herrings, may he rest in peace.
Only 3 contestants had the gut's to enter the competition. And amongst the contestants there was a woman, Lady Vale. The other two was a warlock named Vect and a mage named Gathren, both of whom were men. The smell was nearly too much for us judges to handle, so if we were becoming feint of the smell we had to step back a bit. Vect gave up first, he was very pale and his face shifted in light green; well done Vect. The two contestants left swallowed fast and you could see on their face's they nearly had enough, when we all heard the word. Gathren gave up which meant that Lady Vale was the winner. Her pale green face broke out in a big smile. We all applauded the Champion of fermented haunted Herring eating, that same fish who killed a Gnome Commander and took out two strong men.

The Hallows End party continued and everyone had a very good time. The last contest for the evening was the costume competition, and everyone had come dressed in great costumes for the evening, meaning we, the judges, should judge the best. Many entered the competition and it was a very tough call to judge all the nice costumes. Even though the judges had their favourites we had to be fair to everyone in the contest. We judged with points and the contestants had to tell us why he or she chose that particular costume; we also gave points for best costume.
A heavy mist was hanging in the air and we called out the best male and female winner. Lephia who dressed as a headless horseman victim was the female winner. We were stunned when she told us her tale in how she got caught in the horseman's trap. Well done! The male winner was Eloresh dressed as a barbarian, his tale of barbarians was very interesting to listen to. The bloodstained axe he had on his back was a real breathtaker. Fake? Real? We can only guess. The fireworks lighted the dark sky when the winners recieved their prize's.

This Hallows End's party came to an end. And I believe ghosts, ghouls nor humans will ever forget this evening. An evening which goes in the sign of death and life alike.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Alakina Aisling
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