In this time of chaos we all need hope. We need to remember that we still can love and that all isn't about war. Argent Crusades town in western Plaugelands; Hearthglen, is a place where you can find answers about the light, and the one who has the answers is Argent Bishop Alexandra. A kind soul who helps those in great need. Her voice is soothing and calms me down when she preaches about the light.
Argent Bishop Alexandra clears her throat and starts to speak with a strong clear voice todays mass is about the existence of light and how it effects us every day. Alexandra preaches in such way that you always can ask a question, and she lets us all be part of the mass, by asking a question directly to the audience.
Argent Bishop Alexandra takes deep breath's now and then and her sapphire eyes settle upon us with great confidence. I listen with great interest and write everything down in the notebook I carried with me. Argent Bishop Alexandra continues and tells us we have come together this day
to pray for the lights kindness, its graceful blessings and its essential virtues that embrace us during dark times.
Argent Bishop Alexandra looks down and smiles, she looks up again seconds later She thanks all of us for showing her support and that we chose to visit the improvised church. She says the light can be preached anywhere, anytime as long as we are truthful.
The first questions is asked by The Argent Bishop herself.
"What do you consider to be the meaning of the light?"
Everyone in the room turns a bit and look at each other but all is silent. Argent Bishop Alexandra can see that we are hesitating and calms us down there is no correct or wrong answer in the matter.
Argent Bishops soothing words must have done the trick, because suddenly the room fills with chattering, everyone seems to give her an answer.
Someone says that slaying the scourge in countless numbers with little effort is the meaining of life. Another one says that the light is the embodiement of Justice, Honour and Chivalry and it is the beacon of hope for those forlorn spirits and a Vigil of Clarion for those devoted to it.
Yet another answer comes to air and this one thinks that the light is the feeling that streams through someone when they are truthful.
We can all agree with each others answers since they are all right. The light is the source of all good and may cleanse any wound along time. The light is the shelter you seek, when times are dark.
Argent Bishop smiles towards us as she continues the mass.
"The light is ultimately, a philosophy rather than a religion. Those who follow it closely gain spiritual awareness and guidance, allowing them to lead others in the most dangerous and peculiar happenings of this world"
The nex question is asked by the Argent Bishop. Who, of you knows the nomination of the three essential virtues of the light?
Yet again the room becomes silent, no-one is answering but it dont take long before someone raises his voice and answers The Argent Bishop.
"Compassion, respect and tenacity Bishop!" is the answer from the man.
The agrnet Bishop smiles towards him and raises her voice.
"Respect, Tenacity, compassion, those are the virtues that we preach, and the virtues that before preaching or even using our faith to battle or healing we need to understand, or at least perceive. What i mean is, even if you cannot explain their meaning, I am sure you feel it, in your heart, in your soul, and in your mind, since the first time you understood your faith was strong enough to be used in favor and against others for principle that we simply name "Right" which I am certain that one day we will be able to speak of here."
Argent bishop Alexandra starts to round the mass up eventually. I further pray with you that you always be considerate of each other and remember to always turn to the light in times of need and to rejoice in it in celebration of cherished moments and gratitude, for without it perhaps this world would have already been buried into the darkness of Evil.
Thank you for your patience and for your presence today. Light bless you on your path Crusaders, brothers and sisters of the Light.
As Argent Bishop Alexandra closes her books and collects her scrolls I take a deep breath, the mass was extraordinary and i believe it helped us all to find a bit of rest, peace and feeling hope again. And in times like these, people such as Argent Bishop Alexandra are greatly needed.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Alakina Aisling
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