Alakina had picked me up with her motorized chopper, and we decided to go for a ride in the countryside. We needed rest and a quiet moment to recover our energy, our peace of mind. We wandered for several hours in the golden fields of Westfall. The sky was sparkling with stars. The night was beautiful. We stopped in the middle of some grass and we laid down, watching the infinite sky above our heads, and we shared different memories of the past.
Several minor tremors shook the ground, but we had started to get used to it, and we weren’t anymore as scared as the first days. However, we felt something strange under our feet, like some constant vibrations almost undetectable. We listenened to the earths song of pain. However, I was too tired to tempt any shamanic communication with the elements. We headed towards Sentinel Hill, passed the walls, and got a bed in the inn.
My dreams were haunted by visions. They were like what I saw at the Ceremony of Vision, severals days ago, I dreamt about a giant wave rising and devastating the landscape. It seemed so real. It was so vivid! I woke up suddenly, out of breath, and covered with sweat. I heard people screaming and running outside. The little village was in panic. I knew something very serious had happened…What we were scared about, what we were expecting those last weeks had finaly occured.
I turned toward Alakina’s bed, and I saw her place empty. A feeling of doom invaded my heart. I tried to reason with myself, but the feeling was strong, almost unbearable. I left with our bags, running away. I heard people yelling than a giant dragon had destroyed Stormwind, that the world had shattered, that we would all die. I know, I should have taken care of those people, but I only wanted to find Alakina.
I spend the whole day searching for her. I questioned villagers and the crowd of refugees arriving from Stormwind. I ran through the fields for hours, heading towards Elwynn, towards the Westbrook Keep. As I feared, she wasn’t there either. She would have told me. I got my talbuk from the stable, and went back to Westfall.

The vision of apocalypse reminded me of the morrow after the shattering of Draenor. I must confess, that at that point I was more relieved than scared. The ground seemed to be still solid under our feet. Then, in the distance, something attracted my attention. It was like a rift, or a kind of tornado. The wind was blowing with fury, and pieces of the land were flying, prisoners of its anger. My heart started to race. I could not explain why, but I felt she was close. I called out for her several times, searching around the crater caused by the torrent. And then, I heard her voice.
When I found her she was lying in the middle of some stones, almost unconscious, weak and severly injured. She had no idea why and how she had arrived there in the midlle of the destroyed fields. But she was alive ! I used the power of water to give her enough vitality to raise herself up. I felt relieved.
In the end, as I was carrying her to my talbuk, I suddendly realised that I might have lost a lot of people dear to me along this night.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Elloa
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