Two new reporters has joined the crew of Whitestar Magazine, and will in the following months share amazing news and tales of their adventures with our readers. As Whitestar Magazine does't typically do things the normal way, neither of those journalists were hired by a simple job announcement. The way they joined our team is an adventure in itself which deserve to be told.

The first time I met Arbooz Boilingstone, a proud dwarf explorer, and expert in alchemy, I was deep undersea. Somehow, we both had ended in the surroundings of the lost sunken city of Vashj'ir, helping the Earthen Ring in their war against the Naga.
When the boat that I had embarked on had sunk, I though it was my last moment alive. The unfortunate crew was gasping in fear, surrounded by the giant tentacles of some deep sea monster. But fear didn't caught me. I was falling into an amazing landscape of seaweed and colorful corals, and I thought it was a nice place to die.
However, I didn't die. Instead I got captured by the naga, and that's when I met Arbooz. The dwarf, despite this delicate situation, was far from depressed. His energy, and his humour was like sunshine shining into the ocean.
Somehow, we both managed to escape, and we stuck together. Communication deep under water isn't that easy. But adventure create bonds between people. Severals weeks later, my dwarvish friend came by the office to greet me. His taste for exploration had immediately pleased Miss Aisling. This is how he joined the Whitestar Magazine crew.
When I came back in Stormwind, after several weeks spent underwater fighting the Naga , I was lost. The city had changed, there were people everywhere, stressed and always in hurry. Now more than before. Then, someone called for me, and led me into an unpopulated corner of town. He wanted to share an amazing scoop for Whitestar Magazine with me and begged me to not be afraid, whatever would happen. As no one was present in the surroundings, he let himself go, and shapeshifted into a werewolf. He was a worgen, just like those haunting Duskwood! He told me he came from the kingdom Gilneas, that they had been rescued by the Kaldorei, and that they were at War with the Forsaken, and that they needed help! Then, he disepeared without a sign.

Alakina and I decided to take the boat for Darnassus, and ask the Kaldorei about this amazing story. It's there that we met Arulan Davenport, another Gilnean escapee. He was wandering in the elven city, by the pond. He seemed a bit lost and uneasy. We went with him to an inn, discussed. It was one of those nights that can only be spent in the lands of the Kaldorei, appeased by the peaceful song of the wind in the high branches of the trees, and the murmur of the wild beasts running in the grass. Arulan explained the tragedy his kingdom had known along the past years, and how the war with the Forsaken had driven many survivors to Darnassus. As we were speaking, two soldiers of the Gilnean guard entered in the Inn. In opposition of Arulan, they were arrogant, walking in Darnassus like it was some sort of conquered town, looking down at their fellow countryman with mocking smiles. This immedialtly made me like Arulan more. The young man was searching a way to leave Darnassus and live on his own. He was well educated and had the will. After having told him about our job as reporter, he voiced his interest. He is now a reporter for Whitestar Magazine.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Elloa
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