One night, the terrible sound of Deathwing's roaring crumbled the walls of Stormwind. The morrow after, the complain of a thousand starving bellies had been heard in the golden fields of Westfall. Despite the effort of several good souls, the wave of refugees had, for the little shire, been nearly as destructive as the tsunami had been in Tanaris. The criminal rates increased. The Defias Brotherhood recruited openly among the desperate, just as the cultists had done one month before. When you see your children dying of hunger, you don't have much choice. Sometime, becoming a thief or an assassin is the only option left.
Concerned by this social drama, Whitestar Magazine has taken the initiative of helping Westfall by organising a Gran Charity Fishing day.

Early in a fresh wintery afternoon, the reporters of your favourite magazine were awaiting the arrival of the fishermans in front of the Lion's Pride, the infamous Inn of Goldshire. Several Winter Veil trees, nicely decorated despite the recent events, brought a joyful touch to the scene. The wait had not been long. A small group with fishing poles were discussing together. People were coming from all horizons, and all social ladders. Commoners, adventurers, nobles, gilneans... all were gathered by the desire of helping those in need. Among them, the paladin Maelmoor Lightbringer and Talasha, the faithful servitor of Sir Mismantel, who himself was unable to come in person this time.
The group left the market place for the shores of Crystal Lake, right behind the village. The forest was still, the water teeming with hundreds of fish eager to bite. The perspective of helping the world to become better along by doing a peaceful activity, far from battles, wars and conflicts, were immensely relaxing. The catch was good. In few moments, several buckets were filled with silvery fresh fish.

The sun was still high in the sky when rainy clouds covered the forest and released their drops. The team of fishermen gathered hastily gathered whatever fish wasn't cooked yet, and saved the prepared meals. Talasha lead the group, zigzagging among the trees, avoiding the heavy winter rain, to the tower owned by Sir Braiden Mismantel where everyone found a warm and welcoming refuge. There, among the vials and others experiments of the noble, the fish had been prepared and packed in crates. Those crates were sendt to Westfall the next day.
Whitestar Magazine is happy and proud to announce that the Charity Fishing Day had been able to provide food for a small week to the refugee camp of Westfall.
Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Elloa
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