
Short News

Earthquake : Naga's war

During the few last weeks the GAIRDAS Institute have organised several expeditions in different hotspots of ancient disasters to study any source of disturbance which could cause the series of Earthquakes. The Institute, lead by the mage Blinkie, had call for some volunteers to help the investigations. Along the scientist representatives of Gnomeragan, have joined a priestess of Elune, a druid, a human, and some honnored members of the Explorer League of Ironforge. And obviously, the Whitestar Magazine crew was present all along the three expeditions!

The two first investigations, respectively in the old citadel of Blackrock, and arround the Dark Portal, have both been negative. However, the last one, send in the desolated area of Azharra had been a lot more fruitful. And as you can guess, your favourite team of reporters have not only be present, and participating to the research, but have actualy made two discoveries of importance !

After having risk our life in different old temples in ruins, menacing at each earthquake to collapse on our head, we have find some old Naga tablets that the moon priestess have translated. The last temple we visited was invaded by nagas bodies lying everwhere on the ground. A simple look was enough to understand that the giant crabs infesting the place were not the guilty ones ! After some times of research, braving the stones falling from the roof, and the monsters, I found the parchemin who would teach us the scoop of the year : the Nagas are at War. The syrens recieved the order of retrieving back into the seas and to fight ..something terribly mysterious. Why ? The reasons might be told in the next Whitestar Magazine ! Stay updated and do not miss our next numero !

Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Tintam Spindlefirework

Darnassus : The dark books affair

The problem of the books is not solved yet (cf. Article "Investigations in Darkshore"). Four books had been discovered and are jealously enclosed by an Elder of the Circle of Darnassus. The Farseer Sanara have requested several time one volume to show to the Naaru O'ros and have his opinion concerning the obvious corruption of those books. The Kaldorei have however refused any negociations.
Why so much protection and so much secrets arround those books ? A possibility is that the Circle is affraid to see the books stolen and destroyed. Hard time, hard measure could we argue...However this behaviour and this interest for dark magy books is so inapropriate for a people which have lose its immortality due to the corruption of arcane power, for a people having suffered so heavily because of the Legion, that "the dark book affair" become very suspicious.

Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Elloa

Stormwind : new regiment

Two new regiments of Guards are patrolling the streets of Stormwind. The Blazing Shield, which were assuring the city security till now, seem to have been the target of unfortune, and to have lose many of their effective in the past few weeks.
To balance the situation, a generous noble have offered his own militia to the service of the city. Those are walking in purple tabard and call themselves : The Dieudonné Seal.

I can personaly testify of the good work of those mans. I had been send – as many volunteer- in a secret mission to infiltrate the Cult. I was wearing a cultist dress as disguisement, while unfortunate enough to have been stabbed by a bandit that I tried to help. Sir Mismantel was walking by chance in that street. Seeing me injuried and losing my blood on the very ground, he called the guard for assitance. Two guards of the Seal of Dieudonné arrived almost immediatly. They offered a charitable assistance, but stand firm and strict. I had to be taken in the Keep for heavy questioning concerning my outfit and my possible affiliation with the Cult. No words of the Baron Mismantel nor the fact that I'm well known as reporter in the city, sufficed to release me. The guards stand uncorruptible, strict, but always respectful, fair and gentle. That's what we expect from a city guard regiment, aren't we ?

Whitestar Magazine© Article from -Elloa

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